ISDI publishes updated brochure on international Codex standards for Foods for Special Dietary Uses (FSDU)
ISDI is pleased to announce the publication of an updated version of its brochure on international standards for Foods for Special Dietary Uses (FSDU).
The brochure gives a comprehensive overview of FSDU based on the ‘General Standard for the Labelling of and Claims for Prepackaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses’ (CODEX STAN 146-1985), which defines this category of products at international level.
Codex standards for specific FSDU relating to labelling and claims, additives, contaminants and hygiene are also covered by the brochure. These include, among others, standards for infant formula, follow-up formula, complementary foods, foods for special medical purposes (FSMP), meal replacement and total diet replacement, gluten-free food and low-sodium food.
This brochure has been developed for informational purposes and to facilitate a better understanding of international Codex standards in this area. It is an ideal resource to be used as an educational support for food business manufacturers or as the basis for discussions with national authorities on FSDU.
The updates facilitate the reading of the brochure in conjunction with the brochure on Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP), a specific type of FSDU.
Download the updated FSDU brochure and press release, and see the ISDI brochures on FSMP and gluten-free foods.
Learn more about Codex Alimentarius here.